Girl, I just want to tell you

Break free darling.


Staying at home

I had my International Marketing Strategy paper yesterday. How was it? Hmmm... No comment, I don't think I performed the best. Lets just forget about that until my result day. 2 more papers to go.

Today, I stay at home and sit at the same spot for the entire day. Even for now, I am still sitting here. While writing my notes for E-business paper this coming Friday, I have a few thoughts:

  • I want to get myself polka dots dresses, a black leather jacket and a ballet flats.
  • Encounter weight issues. Thanks to Penang trip and exam stress, I've been binge eating.
  • I miss him ever since we went on separate ways. Why time couldn't turn back and play all over again like an old videotape. I love going out on dates with him. Happy moments end to fast but I am hopeful for the future :)
  • Staying at home helps me to save money.
  • What should I do after exam??? Gee.. I will be so unemployed. Any suggestion?
  • Thinking about organizing my room again and get rid of unwanted clothes and books. I want to go Ikea and walk around soon. Hmm..maybe after my exam.
Alright, I should be going back to study now.


Another quick thought

Baby, you're a firework

I have this song stuck in my head for the whole week already :)


Study Mode: Turn On

What I need now ?
Me, textbook, highlighters (in various colors), tea, iPod.

Honestly, I am still slacking...lalala~~~
Well well, I should stop procrastinating. Today is a good day to study... and tomorrow and tomorrow tomorrow.
If only the nerdy Anna could took over my body immediately.

Anyway, this is the best time for me to fantasize about vacation on white sandy beach, trying new eating place, shopping for dresses and cute little things, reading novel, listening to music....But wait, come back, STUDY MODE ON!!!


Good luck my fellow course mates.

Start of 2011

Hello world!!! Year 2011 is just 4 days old. What have I been doing?
Well, I haven't officially started any preparation for my final exam yet. Just reading a little here and there. Hopefully I get more motivation to do it.
No procrastination, no procrastination, no procrastination, no procrastination...keep on chanting.
Hmm..I am going to feel uneasy if I kept on pushing myself like this. I will study when I feel like doing it.

Well, brand new year, brand new adventure coming ahead. I got myself a new diary to begin a new chapter of my life. (Not really a new one since I bought it half a year ago from Bangkok) Cute right? I can't resist polka dots. Love them most and they never go out of fashion.

A note to myself in my fresh new page:
Anna, you may be a weird girl having your own random thoughts, living in your own world but be brave to be who you are. Dream your dreams and start reaching for them.
Don't be bother what others' opinions and criticisms are on you. People are judgmental but that doesn't mean you have to eat those words. You're going to lose out if you let them drag you down. So, don't. Nothing is impossible if you believe you can do it =)

That's what I have to say to myself. Recently, I sense that I am doubting myself. I hope this would be a reminder.

Anyway, this year is going to be AWESOME like the previous years!!!
I was in US at this time last year, I miss that place and the people I met there so much. Many blessings and love you all, where ever you are in this world. Cheers.

New Year New Resolution

This year, I will:

Get good grades
Make everyday worth living for
Not believe promise that can be broken
Hold on to something good and don't let go
Read at least 10 books through out the whole year
Take more chances
Do what I love
Never give up
Lose 2 kg and maintain it
Be friendlier and outspoken
Make more money
take up dance class