She is 20cm taller than me..

Now listening to Empire States of Mind, Jay-Z ft Alicia Keys

We work together everyday.. without fail, she constantly reminds me that I am 20cm shorter than her.

According to Mei Ling, she can't believe there is someone as short as me and I should jump off from the bridge. wtf.. don't be too high and mighty there. I am short but you still love me.. and that is an unspoken fact. I just knew it. hehe.. oh gosh, I crap again. Please forgive me, I am suffering brain damage because my work is freaking boring..

At times, when there is no customer, we are not doing anything at all.
We just sit and chill.

Our daily frequently asked question is " what are you eating today?"
Hmm, what choice do we have but mamak food.
Eg: Roti canai, tosai, rojak, maggi goreng, ayam goreng...

This is how I feel today. Sooner or later, I am going to lose my mind too.

Title: Anna through Mei Ling's eyes.
Mei Ling insisted that I should post this up here.
oh, she admitted that she's my blog stalker.. I have loyal

the truth and truth lists
Each of us took turn to ask personal questions and list down all the possible answers.

Well, I didn't publish all the lists because most of them should remained private and confidential.

So, what are we eating tomorow?
our location from today till Thursday is Restoran Ali Maju, Rampai Business Park.


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