Why oh why???

Quick thought of the day:

I don't know why that I am getting tanner and tanner. Weird. I look even darker than when I was in Malaysia.
Back home, girls would pay a lot of money to buy beauty products that will make you look fairer. Yes, 'pale' is beauty. People in America do not understand that idea.


4 gossips:

Anonymous said...

Definitely because of the different climate in the U.S, especially Minnesota. The cold keeps our skin pores closed, and even when it's warm it's not humid at all so we barely sweat, in contrast to Malaysia.

Drinking plenty of water and having regular intense exercise should help. =)


Anonymous said...

You look darker because everyone around you is lighter. It's contrast. The same reason why tanning is cheaper than getting your teeth whitened, the darker you are, the whiter the smile!

Anonymous said...

One more thing: It is true that Asians believe that the whiter your skin is, the more beautiful you are. It's weird how we grasp that idea. Here in the U.S. it is completely different. It's funny how Americans go through extreme measures (sun burn, orange tan spray, tanning sallons... ruining their skin entirely) just to get tan, while we on the other hand is naturally tan. I guess we are naturally beautiful in their eyes!

yonghan said...

i agree to what was stated above...
btw... i don't like girls that are too pale :P

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